Wednesday, May 13, 2009

FairlyOdd Parents Party Thank You Cards

Instead of using a lot of references to the FairlyOdd Parents on the thank you cards, I opted to personalize them with photos instead. I used publishing software to do the design in postcard format. For each note, I chose a picture taken at one of the two parties the guest had attended. There were a few thank you cards needed for people who weren't at either party, but had given gifts. For those, I chose one good picture of both of the birthday girls and arranged them on the front of the postcard. A simple 'thank you' was also printed on the front of the cards. They were four per page, and I printed them on card stock. After trimming them, I wrote the thank you messages on the backs, and had my oldest sign both of the girls' names. I used Fairy stickers to embellish the front with the pictures, so that the effect was fairies and butterflies flying amid the party pictures. Sometimes simple does just fine!


  1. I just wanted to let you know that I have an award for you over at Healthy Moms.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Yeah - you got an AWARD!! woo hoo!

    I always like photo cards like this - it's a twofer :)

  3. I need to remember to do thank you cards for my stepdaughter's birthday. Good reminder!

  4. Such a great idea! You've given everyone a tangible memory of a very special day!
