Shindiglet - Like a grand shindig, only a much smaller to-do. There are times, when even a small group of people getting together creates an occasion for celebrating with a theme. And if it is within my power, I always try to make that happen.
An across-the-miles triple throwdown baking challenge, for me, is such an occasion.

What followed was some bakers' smack talk. After a few days of that, we separately conducted our baking experiment, using different recipes, of our own choosing. As the three of us live in three different states, we couldn't actually judge the recipes side by side. We would have to be the judge of our own creations, with input from friends and family all-too-ready-and-willing to sample the end product. :)
Here's how it went down for me.
I started with just a few ingredients: 3 oz. bittersweet chocolate, 3 oz. milk chocolate, butter, cocoa, egg whites, sugar, cream of tartar.
I folded the egg whites into the chocolate.
And then scooped the batter into the buttered and sugared muffin tins.
After about seven minutes, they came out of the oven like this:
They look good, don't they?!
Turned out onto a plate, aside a scoop of coconut ice cream, and dusted with cocoa powder, it looks like this:
Anticipating the molten chocolate that makes this dish "lava cake", I cut it open and mmmmmmm.........
Look how my youngest is eating it up!
OK, so I would love to just leave it at that and feel all proud of myself, but....
I kinda cheated.
I'll come clean.
My lava cakes ended up being not-so-molten. I'd describe them more like chocolate mousse cakes. Still completely delicious. And rich. And dangerous... because I couldn't stop eating after just one. Here's what it really looked like inside:
And my secret molten-ator?
Hey, living a stone's throw from Hershey, PA makes it all okay. :)
You have me laughing!!! When I scrolled down and saw that liquid pouring mouth watered. hahaha How fun! I'm sure the cakes were delicious anyhow. Thanks for an awesome throwdown...let's do it again soon!
OMG I love it! I was like CRAP!! Her's worked too haha. I don't feel as bad now! Yo know what is really sad? I thought about doing that lol. Thanks for the fun guys!
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