J. T. Williams, View of Harrisburg, Penn. (Baltimore, 1855). Courtesy of the Library of Congress.
Initially, I was planning on donating a print of the Harrisburg picture above (I had this on hand already). But soon, the challenge of the theme took hold, and a TACKLE formed in my mind. What else could I get to make the first grade's basket a hot item at the Gala?

I talked to my friend, Toni, over at The Shopping Adventures of Cheapo McFrugalpants. And together, we came up with a list of possibilities.
I called a frame shop where I've previously had pictures framed to inquire about the possibility of donating a percent-off gift certificate, which could be used to frame the print I was donating. The proprietor was happy to work something out, and agreed to make such a donation. Score!
I also sent out a few emails to local businesses who might be willing to make a donation to their downtown "neighbors." A local theater was kind enough to donate two gift certificates, each with a $50 value. Wow-wee!
A friend and neighbor of mine recently published a cookbook called Settings. It features recipes and anecdotes from Harrisburg and the surrounding area. I thought this would be a perfect addition to the basket! I called her up to buy one, and she actually provided one at no charge as a donation! What a wonderful and generous person! She even signed it upon request.
Things were going so well, that I wished I had started earlier. The Gala is mid-March, and time is running out. I am still planning on picking up a gift certificate to a restaurant that is unique to the city. Whether or not I can get that as a donation is yet undetermined. Wish me luck! But I am happy with the progress I made, and thankful for the generous benefactors out there!
"Cheers" (also known as: alcohol!) was the theme my husband's group (school development board) was given for the basket they're putting together. Everyone is sending in bottles of wine for that one. In addition to the bottle of wine he already took in, I am contemplating sending in some additional item for that theme. Wine glass charms? Homemade jalapeno/apricot jelly (goes great with cream cheese over crackers!)? Any other thoughts?

You could give a basket of the jalapeno/apricot jelly--JUST the jelly--and it'd be a sweet score. Dude, with the wine--how can it get any better??
Now that's a great tackle!!!
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